How to Be a Cat (book excerpt)

I never intended to write this chapter.


I sat back with my tea, and read a text from a friend about cat food. Then, a little cat jumped on my lap and purred


Pure bliss!


Yes but … Why?



Obviously, cats have something going that enables them to corner the market on adulation. Which makes me wonder, what feline qualities we would all do well -- as creators navigating society, business and media -- to copy.


Cats are the new rock stars and teen idols. They are, what was that word we all hated in high school, popular. Chances are you don't know what Miss America, Miss Universe or the governors of neighboring states look like. But don’t you recognize, and possibly even quote, at least three or four the famous cats of the internet, who probably never speak or leave their house?


I’m sure we have all heard the expression, “The Internet is made of cats.” People make movies of cats and make up voices for them to talk with. People invent languages for cats. People talk incessantly about cats. But until that moment I never gave a thought to what kitteh (this word is now in the dictionary!) did to deserve it!


What is the Magic of being a cat?


Cats don't ask you for what they want, as we are always being told to do, because they don't have words. They just expect it, actively. A cat can't say, "make me breakfast," but they certainly have a way of leaning into their intention to get you to do so that works every morning. Like the one sitting on the table right now singing to me. She is about to get what she wants.


And, most important, she will eat it up. (OK, only if she wants to, or we get the disdain display -- we all love being kept on out toes!) A cat does not dwell in ambiguity, or worry about the meaning of their action, She will not hesitate, because, if she is to catch the mouse, there is not room for worrying about any outcome or unintended consequences, she must GO for it. My cat Austin the Tarot Tabby does not worry what other cats will think if he hunts, or if they have a bigger mouse -- he just does it.!


A cat will always please your eye because he grooms himself as needed. Look around you, how many humans give sufficient attention to what their attitude and appearance convey to those they encounter? A cat is also very good at hiding, or being quiet, or even sleeping, when that is what is called for - stealth and restraint are tools of the feline trade! We all know how our species is doing with that…

And, why does the cat always go to the person in the room that does not like cats? Because instinct tells them being looked at is a signal to submit. And what happens when they don’t comply? The rest of us drop our voices into sweet whispers and say, “come to ME, kitty, kitty…”

What if you walked into a group show and one of the artists was standing near her painting that was turned around so you could not see it? Wouldn’t you just have to ask her why? And hope she would share a peek? Ok, I am not suggesting you do this but in light of it, how do you think all of the “look at ME” behavior we see is working? Time to chill it out -- there is a reason we use the expression “cool cat” for someone we enjoy being around.

From Art & Soul (c) Linda DiGusta All Rights Reserved
