The Rainbow

On the day, not long ago, that I shot this photo, I had been sitting in the kitchen and suddenly got an urge to run out to the park. Entering, I chose for no reason in particular a direction that was not my usual walking trail. I was deep in thought when I reached the summit of a hill, where there was a bench. Stopping a second and gazing over my left shoulder, I saw the rainbow.

I knew how I got there. But why?

...because I listened to a little voice inside me that said "Go," and, without hesitation, allowed it to guide me...

I had been speaking with a friend earlier about natural health resources, and I explained that I didn't really follow any news or pundits, and didn't always try the "next thing." That got me wondering, what do I actually do when I feel like I need something to stay healthy?

The answer was that I reach for something at hand and it invariably leads me to the information I need. It could be a segment of a TV show, or the first book at the end of the shelf, or an article that popped up on my phone. When the need arises the solution appears… as long as you follow your inner guidance.

We all have amazing guidance reaching out to us every moment, via our intuition. Want to explore your own? Start here with a session or a reading!
